Therapy for Depression in Westchester, NY
Offering in-person and virtual therapy for individuals, families, and couples.
Depression can wear many masks and feel different for everyone.
Some people may feel completely helpless, unworthy, unlovable, struggle to get out of bed most days and avoid or withdraw.
Others may disguise their depression quite well even from those closest to them; they may smile, laugh, go to work every day, socialize regularly and appear happy….but behind their smile, they are in a world of pain and often haunted by an inability to feel real pleasure or satisfaction in life and and see their future as dark.
Still, there are also depressed patients who feel a lingering sadness and often experience feelings of guilt, anger, anxiety and/or irritability caused by negative beliefs about themselves, others or the world, typically a result of biology and/or the environment (past/present trauma).
Despite the differences in how people feel or show their depression, they all struggle to feel true happiness and a life vision they are hopeful about.
I have treated patients who have had little motivation to live. Patients who struggle to shower, and brush their teeth, have no goals for their future, and may not even see a future. I have set goals with patients that have been as incremental as getting out of bed for 15 minutes a day; calling a friend back one time a week; getting in the car and driving to a store; saying one positive self-affirmation 1x a week; showing up to therapy and sharing one thing that happened to them that week.
By meeting my patients where they are at, along with their willingness to take those small steps, I have witnessed them hone a sense of mastery over their lives and ultimately identify and work on building a life they once could never imagine.

I see you as a person, not as a diagnosis.
I believe in working collaboratively with a team that could be made up of a psychiatrist, school personnel, family members, and nutritionists while integrating a holistic and (if willing) spiritual approach to help with the healing process. I am one person, and at times, we all could use a collaborative village to help us navigate the hardships of our lives. I am willing to work with anyone that you and I believe could help you build a life worth living.
In therapy, you can expect to feel listened to and respected. By delving more into your life experiences, we will learn how these experiences influence the ways you think about yourself and others, and how you may interpret, and react to current life situations. We will check the accuracy of those interpretations, and modify beliefs when needed to create more realistic conclusions about ourselves, others and the world. In turn, you can expect to feel less inhibited by fear, anger and sadness and more freedom to live a fulfilled and balanced life.